
Chatbot vs. Ihminen: Tulevatko chatbotit korvaamaan ihmisen chat- ja verkkoasiakaspalvelussa?

Tekoäly- ja automaatioteknologia ovat kehittyneet huimaa vauhtia viimeisten vuosien aikana. Ihmiset ovat alkaneet pohtia, ”Tuleeko teknologia korvaamaan ihmisen työpaikoilla?”. Etenkin yritysten chat- asiakaspalveluissa näemme alati enemmän automatisoituja botteja. Pikaviestimet ovat räjähdysmäisen suosion kasvun seurauksena jo ylittäneet sosiaalisen median käytön. Siitä johtuen onkin loogista rakentaa palveluja sinne missä käyttäjät jo ovat. Facebook messengerissä on käytössä jo […]

Chatbot vs. Ihminen: Tulevatko chatbotit korvaamaan ihmisen chat- ja verkkoasiakaspalvelussa? Read More »

Introduction to Discord bots

The rise of online chat rooms has, in recent years, seen an explosion in the number of intelligent chatbots that can offer a range of services. They are an example of conversational design that offers a human-like interaction through computer text. Discord bots can do many things to create an enhanced human experience, including collecting

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Do you really need an AI chatbot? Button vs AI-driven chatbots

Some chatbots let users enter natural-language questions. Others only let them enter predefined choices using buttons or menu items. Both approaches have advantages in the right situation. The advantages of buttons Button-based chatbots are far simpler to program, so they cost less and don’t take as much time to set up. No artificial intelligence is

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What is Facebook Messenger Advertising?

Facebook Messenger advertising provides content marketers the opportunity to engage audiences within the messenger app. Messenger ads are created through the ads manager platform and can utilize the same creative as other ads running throughout Facebook and Instagram. When is Facebook Messenger Advertising Suitable? Like all marketing strategies, Facebook Messenger ads best serve a specific

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What is Deep Learning?

”Alexa, what was the score of the Manchester United game yesterday?” If you’ve ever asked a question like that of your personal assistant device (such as Amazon Echo or Google Home), you are already enjoying the fruits of the deep learning revolution. As Ralf Herbrich, Director of Machine Learning & Managing Director of Amazon Development

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Making Your Own ASCII Art

ASCII art, sometimes referred to as ANSI art or text art, is the process of generating simple or complex imagery using computer text characters from the American Standard of Coded Information Interchange (ASCII) character set. The process involves creative placement of typed characters in order to create visual shapes or complex representations of people. They

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Turing test in science fiction

The decade isn’t over yet, but we’ve seen some remarkable advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. We’ve marveled at the invention of the first self-driving car in 1995. We’ve witnessed Deep Blue beat Garry Kasparov in 1997. Lastly and more recently we’ve had the chance to enjoy the company of Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant,

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