
Chatbot-terminologian esittely

Chatbot on ihmisille paluu perinteisiin kommunikaation muotoihin: teksti ja ääni. Nämä ovat keskusteluissa tyypillisesti käytettäviä viestintäväyliä, joten voidaan puhua myös keskustelevista käyttöliittymistä (engl. conversational user interface). Kyse on siis robotista, jolla voi lähettää viestejä ja joka vastaa niihin mielekkäällä tavalla. Chatbotin synonyyminä käytetään usein myös sanaa botti. Botti voi myös tarkoittaa muissa yhteyksissä jotain muuta. […]

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Live Chat for e-commerce

People buy from your e-commerce website because they like the products, trust the brand, and get great customer service. Live chat options provide an opportunity for consumers to get more information and personalized attention without the need to hire phone representatives or in-office staff to constantly monitor activity. Despite this sounding like an excellent boost toward

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10 Key Principles for Designing Effective Conversational Interfaces

From punch cards to command lines to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), the way people communicate with computers has evolved over the last half century. In those historic eras users were required to communicate on the computer’s terms, entering inputs that were carefully crafted to stay within parameters the machine could understand. But now, with the

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How can Chatbots Improve the Customer Service and Experience?

How will AI (artificial intelligence) chatbot be the solution for the modern day customer service? Satisfying the customer expectations has always been a hot-button issue for companies to tangle with throughout all industries. Nowadays people are getting more and more accustomed to interacting through social media, mobile apps and email. Therefore, the demand for better

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Do you really need an AI chatbot? Button vs AI-driven chatbots

Some chatbots let users enter natural-language questions. Others only let them enter predefined choices using buttons or menu items. Both approaches have advantages in the right situation. The advantages of buttons Button-based chatbots are far simpler to program, so they cost less and don’t take as much time to set up. No artificial intelligence is

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Why you need chat service on your website?

WHY YOU NEED A CHAT SERVICE ON YOUR WEBSITE AIf you operate an ecommerce website, SaaS or any kind of business online, you need a chat service on your website today. Aссоrdіng tо a ѕtudу соmmіѕѕіоnеd bу LіvеPеrѕоn аnd соnduсtеd bу Lоudhоuѕе, е-commerce buуеrѕ dеmаnd some kind of live аѕѕіѕtаnсе durіng thеіr рurсhаѕing process. Here

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Facebook Messenger Advertising

Chatbots and Facebook Messenger Ads. A Waste Of Time, Or The Future? Facebook Messenger has become the cornerstone to our society, but did Mark Zuckerberg predict how it would also unravel to be a hugely powerful marketing tool for savvy business owners? Bу оffеrіng аdvеrtіѕеrѕ thе аbіlіtу tо rеасh thеіr сuѕtоmеrѕ аnd рrоѕресtѕ vіа Mеѕѕеngеr,

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