Antti Törrönen

woman using smart phone in autonomous car. self driving vehicle. autopilot. automotive technology.

An Overview of the State of Robotics

As science fiction writers first conceived robots, they were humanoid machines that performed services in response to spoken directions. This is the idea of R.U.R. by Čapek (which introduced the word ”robot” to the world), as well as Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot stories. What we now call robots have gone in quite a different direction. […]

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Using Chatbots in Healthcare to Improve Patient Care: Chatbots in Health Industry

We lead busy lives, and that can lead people to delay or ignore the things that are important.  Healthcare is one of those things.  No one likes to go to the doctor, but chatbots are here to help. Here are some advantages of using Chatbots in healthcare. Immediate Consultation Avoid the wait times at the

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Chatbots for Brick & Mortar Retailers: Chatbots in Retail

The first contact customers have with brick-and-mortar businesses is often their online presence. A good website is an obvious necessity, but a chatbot is a valuable addition. Many people use their smartphones while inside the store to get information. Using a chatbot is faster than flagging down a sales representative, and it’s always available. Related:

Chatbots for Brick & Mortar Retailers: Chatbots in Retail Läs mer »

How Chatbots are Giving the Airline Industry an Upgrade: Chatbots in Airlines Industry

Airlines have a long history of less than stellar customer service, but chatbots are promising to change that narrative. The introduction of AI-powered bots are allowing airlines to connect with customers more directly, leading to streamlined processes and quicker response times. Related: 5 Ways Chatbots are Guiding Travelers: Chatbots in Travel Industry Chatbots for searching

How Chatbots are Giving the Airline Industry an Upgrade: Chatbots in Airlines Industry Läs mer »

schoolkids using chatbots for education

Chatbots In Education

Students everywhere carry their mobile phone with them. It contains everything they need and is their connection to the world. However, the ’phone’ aspect of the device is fading away. Instead of making calls, many individuals would rather use instant messaging apps. This trend started a with the popularity of SMS and has only surged

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Chatbots and Messaging in Africa

Chatbots are ready to deliver a major impact in Africa. Several economic factors work in their favor, and businesses and nonprofit organizations are already showing what they can accomplish. The next few years should see significant growth in use. Favorable economic factors Since 2016 Africa’s economy has been growing at a healthy pace. The World

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businessman using new form of business technology

How Changes in Consumer Behavior in the 2010s Has Shaped the Business World

”Today’s consumers are more enlightened and empowered than ever. And they are placing ever-greater demands on their retailers to either ”get it right” or lose their business.”   – Kali Klena, IBM Global Retail Lead Today’s savvy consumers contrast sharply from yesterday’s shoppers. They are confident, industrious, and technologically astute, and expect businesses to exhibit

How Changes in Consumer Behavior in the 2010s Has Shaped the Business World Läs mer »

stack of old computer equipment transformed into a robot

A History of Chatbots

Turing Test Are you familiar with the Turing Test? For the uninitiated, the Turing Test was developed by Alan Turing, the original computer nerd, in 1950. The idea is simple: for a machine to pass the Turing Test, it must exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human being. The test is usually conceptualized

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